For Individuals
For Organziations

Congratulations! You are an active member of your community who wants to put your skills to use and give back through board service.

The truth is that you have plenty to offer to any board of directors. Your unique skill set and life experience bring rich value to every volunteer opportunity you choose.

As you get ready to pair your desired area of interest with an organization, we encourage you to ponder these five questions so that you are well-prepared to join an organization with a mission that matches your expectations and commitments. While board service and missions are always bigger than one person, we hope you find your work to be meaningful and engaging in ways that are mutually beneficial to the board, to the mission, and to you.

Remember, there is no one-size-fits-all answer to these questions. The right answer is the answer you determine is right for you. 

  1. Why does board service matter to me?
  2. What do I need to feel ready to serve on a board for the first time?
  3. How much time and energy am I willing to give to this mission?
  4. Am I interested more in an organizational experience that is new and developing a structure or one that already has a clear process in place?
  5. Am I ready to be part of a team?

How it Works

Step 1
Step 1

Create an account

Individuals create an account. Share more about yourself!

Step 2
Step 2

Post profile

Post your candidate profile on our list so organizations can view your details.

Step 3
Step 3

Wait for profile approval

Once we have confirmed that you are a real person, we will publish your profile.

Step 4
Step 4

Browse organizations

You’re in! Browse organizations based on your needs and areas of interest.

Step 5
Step 5

Request contact

Did you find a potential match? Request contact with the organization.

Step 6
Step 6

Connect and match

Once you have your information, we encourage you to engage in a formal or informal interview to learn more about the organization.

Remember, you don’t have to keep going in the process if it doesn’t feel like the right step for you.

More questions? Check out our FAQs page.

Looking for additional information to strengthen your board service experience? Click our Resources page.

Are you in need of board service education or a private consultation? Contact Us.

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