Roles and responsibilities:
• Define and oversee the mission of AAPP and keep it relevant to the needs of our community.
• Approve work done by AAPP staff and monitor effectiveness.
• Approve new proposals of work that will require matching commitments, an increase in new staff or represent a new direction for the organization.
• Provide strategic guidance to the organization the the Executive Director.
• Ensure financial solvency and help raise resources.
• Select, support, and evaluate the Executive Director.
• Ensure continuous board improvement.
As a member of this board, I commit to:
• Attend at least 3 of 4 quarterly board meetings per year, unless pre-approved by the board.
• Serve and attend regularly, one board committee (standing or ad hoc).
• Make an annual personal gift that is meaningful and significant.
• Hold this organization to a high standard of performance and actively helping to make this a world class organization.
• Actively seek to understand my roles and responsibilities and become sufficiently knowledgeable about the organization and its operations to make informed decisions.
• Read in advance the materials sent to board members and come prepared to be actively engaged at board and committee meetings.
• Arrive at meetings on time and stay for the full agenda unless prior notification of the board or committee chair has occurred. Announcing at the start of the meeting that one has to leave early should be the exception and not the rule.
• Ask for clarification on any matters or materials that are not clear prior to making a decision on a proposal.
• Actively listen to other board members and staff with an open mind and an objective perspective.
• Actively work towards decisions and solutions that are in the organization’s best interests.
• Once a vote is taken or a position is stated, support the board in its decision even if one does not agree.
• Respect the confidentiality of the board’s business.
Optional Responsibilities: I agree to do 1 of the 3 items listed while serving my board term:
I agree to be informed about and to observe the following board policies in our manual:
Board of Directors: Voluntary, legal governing body of a nonprofit.
A2P2 transforms systems of care and increases equitable access to health care and related services to ensure all Alaska’s children reach their full potential.
The All Alaska Pediatric Partnership will become the leading organization advancing the goal of healthy and thriving children and families throughout Alaska.
Core Values
Innovation & Excellence: We employ a data-driven approach and seek creative solutions and opportunities to advance high standards of care for children and families in Alaska.
Partnership: We build connections and recognize the power in collective voice. We encourage and value cross-communication, shared learning, and the unique knowledge, roles and diversity that all Alaska’s people, communities and organizations bring.
Systems-approach: We approach our work through the lens of systems-change and engage in big picture thinking. We seek constant improvement in the systems of care to effectively support children and families.
Equity & Inclusion: The needs of all Alaska’s kids and families are at the center of our work. We believe all Alaska’s children deserve to thrive and have equitable access to health and social services and opportunities. We believe their diverse voices and perspectives are critical to meeting the needs that exist throughout the state, and to achieving our overarching goal of health equity and equitable access to care and services.
Individualized solutions: We recognize there is not a one-size-fits-all approach that meets all Alaskans’ needs, and therefore support flexible, individualized, and targeted approaches in order to offer universal services in an equitable way.
A2P2's board of directors is made up of a collections of very different individuals who share one common belief and that is that children and families are "cool" (interpretation: important) and want to support their health and wellness.
Our board is the place where the attorney, financial advisor, pediatrician and child care provider can sit at a table and converse and every perspective counts. It is a welcoming, friendly and engaged board that operates on a consensus-based process. The board and staff have developed and maintained a highly trusting relationship with a healthy balance of guidance and support from the board and thoughtful communication from staff leadership.
Candidates most suited for the board are individuals who are excited about being part of an innovative and dynamic team, comfortable with the challenges and pace of systems-change work and happy to celebrate the small successes that move us closer to our goal.
As an organization on
A2P2's goal is for every child in Alaska to have the opportunity to thrive and reach their full potential. With Alaska being as unique and diverse a state as it is - culturally and geographically - A2P2 understands that the path to achieving that goal requires a diversified approach informed by the diverse perspectives and experiences of those who interact with the services and programs around the state.
To be effectively guide the organization's strategic direction, the A2P2 board must be representative of the diversity that exists in the state - culturally, geographically, professionally, ethnically and in the collective experiences of its members.
4141 B St.
Suite 409
Anchorage AK 99503
Website: https://www.a2p2.org/Website
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/AllAlaskaPediatricPartnership/Facebook
LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/company/all-alaska-pediatric-partnership/?viewAsMember=trueLinkedIn
Year of Incorporation:
Location: Statewide
Focus: Health
Operating Budget: $1M-$5M
Number of Staff: 14
Number of Board Members: 7
Guidestar page:
Primary Contact for Board Recruitment:
Tamar Ben-Yosef (She/her)
Executive Director:
Tamar Ben-Yosef (She/her)