For Individuals
For Organziations
Member of the Board of Directors

Closing Date


Current Position Description

Member of the Board of Directors

Agency Overview:

thread is a non-profit agency that has provided Child Care Resource and Referral services in Alaska since 1986. Our mission is to advance the quality of early education and child development by empowering parents, educating child care professionals, and collaborating with our communities. We are the managing network leader of the Alaska State Child Care Resource and Referral Network.

Expected Outcomes:

Act as a collective with other Board members to provide strategic governance and guidance to ensure the agency is thriving and sustainable. Act as a change agent to pursue and follow mission.

Roles and Responsibilities:

  1. Define and oversee the mission of this agency and keep it relevant to the needs of our community.
  2. Provide strategic guidance to the organization and the Chief Executive Officer.
  3. Ensure financial solvency and help raise resources.
  4. Select, support and evaluate the Chief Executive Officer.
  5. Ensure continuous board improvement and support change to maintain relevance and agency sustainability.
  6. Work collaboratively, collectively, and cooperatively with other members of the Board.
  7. Support advocacy in order to advance the agency’s mission.


  1. A belief and passion for the agency mission.
  2. Willingness to serve.
  3. Knowledge, experience, or education to contribute to agency goals.

As a member of this Board, I would commit to:

  1. Attending all board and committee meetings and functions, such as special events.
  2. Participating in the Board’s established mandatory meeting schedule.
  3. Being informed about the organization’s mission, services, policies, and programs.
  4. Reviewing agenda and supporting materials prior to board and committee meetings.
  5. Serving on Committees or task forces and offer to take on special assignments.
  6. Making a personal and meaningful contribution to the organization. (Please consider thread among your top three charities)
  7. Suggesting possible nominees to the board who can make significant contributions to the work of the board and the organization.
  8. Keeping up to date on developments in the organization’s field.
  9. Following conflict of interest and confidentiality policies.
  10. Refraining from making special requests of the staff.
  11. Assisting the board in carrying out its fiduciary responsibilities, such as reviewing the organization’s annual financial statements.
  12. Reviewing agency policies and procedures following the assigned schedule for review and revision as needed.
  13. Undergoing a background check.
  14. Be willing to travel as needed for in-person meetings in order to advance the agency’s mission.

Position Type

Board of Directors: Voluntary, legal governing body of a nonprofit.

Current areas of focus for board recruitment

Civil Rights / Activism, Communications / Marketing, Community Relations, Legal, Other

Other areas of focus

Native Corporations, Tribal Organizations, Natural Resource/Energy Sectors

Mission / Core Purpose / Core Values

thread is Alaska’s Child Care Resource and Referral Network offering services to families, early childhood educators, early childhood education programs, and communities statewide. thread services are currently delivered statewide through partner organizations:—thread and Thrivalaska.

thread’s statewide Network of professionals assist families in finding quality child care, and work with early childhood educators and early childhood education programs to ensure that they are supporting and guiding children to lifelong success. By collaborating with communities, thread works to achieve positive outcomes for young children by ensuring families have access to affordable, high-quality child care. This work is guided by thread’s core values of empowerment, access, child care professionalism, children’s rights, and entrepreneurial incubator.

Over the next year thread will be transitioning to a unified organization with thread staff located throughout the state. thread and its partner organizations are making this transition together in order to gain efficiencies and strengthen the connection to thread’s services and expertise across the state. This is an internal business change and all of thread‘s programming and services will remain the same.

thread’s Mission:
To advance the quality of early education and child development by empowering parents, educating child care professionals, and collaborating with our communities.

thread’s Vision:
All early care and learning is accessible, affordable, and high-quality to support positive outcomes for children and families.

Briefly describe your board culture.

thread has a deeply committed, working board whose members consistently participate both in board meetings and committee meetings. The thread board enjoys a strong partnership with the agency’s senior management team (C-suite members). Board work is heavily informed by thread’s strategic plan and annual operating priorities. The agency’s formal organizational structure and its long/short-term planning help frame board conversations, decisions and practices. It’s a culture centered on fun and informal collaboration as well as informed and thoughtful decision making.

Why is board diversity important to this organization?

thread is a statewide organization serving families, early educators and early childhood education programs. Individuals and businesses receiving thread services represent a true cross section of our state—people in urban and rural communities of diverse socio-economic backgrounds, cultures, ages and family structures. As such, we are looking for board members who recognize and support the myriad needs of those we serve across our large state. thread’s strategic goals are designed to improve the accessibility, affordability and quality of child care in Alaska and ensure that we are a strong and thriving organization. We believe the best way to accomplish this is by cultivating and celebrating diversity.

Link to diversity statement.

Board Meeting Location

Meetings are held by Zoom, except for a February full day retreat and the May annual meeting.

Online meeting optional?


Number of board meetings / year including retreats


Average hours per month?


Are there term limits?


Board terms (years)


What is the total length of time of potential service?

9 years

Primary language spoken in board room.


Please describe any giving and/or fundraising expectations of your board members.

In addition to time, a gift to thread is expected. thread asks that gifts be meaningful and significant for board members (no minimum required) and that thread is considered among the member’s top three charities of choice.

Are travel expenses related to board service reimbursed? If so explain.

Yes, all board travel and registration expenses are covered in advance or reimbursed.


111 W. 16th Ave
Suite 205
Anchorage AK 99501

Organization Info

EIN: 92-0113419
Year of Incorporation: 1985
Location: Statewide
Focus: Youth & Education
Operating Budget: Over $5 Million
Number of Staff: 43
Number of Board Members: 11
Guidestar page:


Primary Contact for Board Recruitment:
Farra Korshin (She/her)

Executive Director:
Stephanie Berglund (She/her)